Stationary press with rolo container

Stationary press with rolo container

Volume: 28 m2

The insertion and compaction chamber is of the stationary type and is fastened with special grips to the roll container, which is a chamber for receiving waste.

The chamber for inserting and compacting waste is made of rectangular steel pipes 80 x 60 x 3 mm and UNP 200 mm, reinforced with UNP100 mm profiles, lined with hot-rolled sheet metal 8 mm and 5 mm thick. The compact technical-structural unit can be divided into: - hopper (STATIONARY PRESS) dimensions 1925x1600x2500 mm - pressure chamber (ROLL CONTAINER) dimensions 6000 x 2400 x 2000 mm.

1 Tip capacity (m3) product code
RK 28-SP 28 4139


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Rolo containers